BestRate Insurance Solutions

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Live Your Dream
Your golden years can be the most exciting period of your life. Are you ready?
Live Your Dream
Your retirement should be easy. With proper planning, it can be even easier than you think.
Live Your Dream
Lower your risk
Avoiding risk is always important. The right product can guarantee zero loss due to stock market volitility.

Insurance That's Easy

Protecting your retirement doesn't have to be complicated. With good guidance and council, you can be confident in your golden years.

No Cost Consultation

Let's talk about your plans. Virtual meetings are available. Coffee is on us!

Retirement Test Drive

Want to see what retirement will look like for you? We'll show you some numbers.

Easy to read reports

You don't need a PhD to understand our illustrations. You get clear, easy reports.

Low fees commitment

We promise to keep your retirement costs low. Many of our products have no fees!

A Better Retirement For Everyone

Retirement is a puzzle in which all pieces are needed. With proper planning, you can prosper when you hang up the cleats.

Guaranteed Lifetime Income

We offer solutions designed to supplement your social security and pension with additional guaranteed income you can never outlive.

Life Insurance

Life insurance options change regularly. Our job is to stay up to date on products and services to help you find the right policy for you.

Retirement Consulting

Retirement is never a time to wing it. Proper planning is the key to securing your golden years, and we can help!

Social Security Consulting

It's critical to set up your social security benefits right the first time. We have the knowledge and experience to get it done.


Not sure where to start?
Schedule a Consultation Now!


(402) 309-9176


Hello everyone, Lori here!

Since 1993, Lori Ann Palecek has been helping people to secure their retirement with Annuities that can provide the option of guaranteed lifetime income that never runs out, safety and growth, plus potential tax advantages without any risk. 

Learn more about me

Lori Ann Palecek

Institute of Financial Wellness Certified Fianancial Professional
Helping Seniors everywhere in the Continental United States

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Ready to Secure Your Retirement?

Not sure what you need? I can help you learn which type of insurance matches your needs

We are a financial services firm helping clients prepare for retirement using insurance and annuity products and solutions. We are not affiliated with the Social Security Administration, Medicare, or any other government agency. We do not offer tax, legal, or estate planning services or advice. Always consult with your own qualified tax/legal advisors. Insurance and annuity solutions may not be suitable for everyone.
Insurance and annuity products involve fees and charges, including surrender penalties for early withdrawals. They include terms and restrictions and, in some cases, may require medical and/or financial underwriting to qualify. Additional riders may be added, which may entail additional costs. Insurance product guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing company. Withdrawals are subject to ordinary income taxes, and if taken before age 59-1/2. May incur an additional 10% federal penalty. Product and feature availability may vary by state.
Fixed index annuities are not investments and have no participation in the markets. Potential interest is calculated periodically (usually annually on the annuity’s anniversary date) and is subject to limits called caps, spreads, and participation rates established by the issuing company. All rates are subject to change at the issuing company’s discretion.